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A piece of history of our country is represented by the "Castle" of Montegiordano located in Piano delle Rose, halfway between Montegiordano Marina and Paese. History teaches us that this palace belonged to the Marquis Pignone del Carretto around the 1600s, who used it as a winter and hunting residence. The successors of the Pignone family were the barons de Martino who bought the castle and all the properties of the fiefdom in 1747. They stayed there permanently until 1881 until the property was auctioned and purchased by the Solano family (current owners) who entered in possession of all properties except the chapel of S. Rocco. It was inhabited until the late 1940s and for many years it represented the center of the agricultural activity of the district.

(Taken from the book Montegiordano historical notes on the origins of Teresa Carla Loprete)

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